Trek -
Many of the terms used in Space
Trek were based upon stuff that I personally understood. Of course, this
means the storylines can be confusing to anyone who doesnt have my mind
(Nobodys that misfortunate!!).
To try and help out a bit, I thought of as
many confusing terms as possible to put into a Glossary, which can be
cross-referenced whilst reading. No doubt theres a lot of things I missed,
so if you come across something in a story which doesn't make sense, email
me, and I'll explain (and probably update the
"Ah Nuts!" - See Timothy's
Boga - The Listonian name for the Borg.
Sometimes the name Boga is used, and sometimes the Human name of Borg is
used. The Borg themselves are from Star Trek, hence copyright of Paramount
Clipware - Kind of like a giant version of
Lego bricks. All newer Listonian ships and Buildings are created from it,
as it enables easy redevelopment/demolition at a later
Cuflin - See
Quadrant(Quadron) - The Listonian method of mapping space
varies slightly from the Star Trek method. Star Trek uses 4 differently
named quadrants, with (I think) the centre of the galaxy being the divide.
The centre of the original Listonian mapping was Earth, and all locations
were referred to as Gamma, followed by either a positive or negative
number, depending upon direction. After the move to Listonia, a similar
method to Star Trek was used. Listonia became the centre for the mapping,
however like Star Trek they now had four Quadrant names - Visa,
VHS, Gamma and Romeo!
Glitch - Based upon an item with the same
name from Reboot, copyrighted to Mainframe productions. Its a
device like a watch, that can be turned into many things by shouting a
command. At first only Enzo had one, however later the other 'Guardian'
crewmembers gained them. The other crewmembers have glitches named as
follows: - Jacqueline - GLITCH, Enzo - CUFLIN, Johnathan - KINGO, Timothy
Jacsquad - The
terrible sounding name for the Listonian fleet.
Kingo - See
Ligers - A
race of Puppy/Lion/Tiger/Kitten/Pony/Rabbit hybrids (Dont ask, I didnt
decide it), who are long term friends with the Listonians. Originally from
Earth, they've moved to loads of places, and currently reside on Venus in
the Fifth Dimension.
Listonians -
The race in Space Trek. A mix of Kittens and Puppies. Originally from
Earth, they escaped to a Planet called Listonia (Identical to Earth, only
completely uninhabited), hence the name Listonians.
Listonia - See
Natalie (Natalie Borg) - An alien who wants
everyone to be her friend. She goes about this in the wrong way though,
using irritating voices, giving cheap plastic necklaces, and foul smelling
Natalie Game Cube - A giant yellow block of
energy, which recreates a virtual environment based upon a computer game.
They land all over the galaxy, and can transport crewmembers long
distances if they fail to win against Natalie.
Nexus - Not an
energy-ribbon! In Space Trek, the Nexus is an old space
Spacelords) - A collection of small, one-crew ships,
with strange names such as Atlantis, Fareeba and
The Other
Jacqueline - The Liger copy of Jacqueline. The creator of the
Liger's basically copied my Jacqueline character, and came up
with some pathetic excuse about being from another dimension. Hence why
the two Jacqueline's despise each other so much!
The Radio Bit -
A bit which has become almost a rule for the stories. In every story, a
call for help is sent out, to be replied with loads of strange (&
generally unfunny) replies. Dont worry about what is said in The Radio
Bit's, as most of it is personal jokes, only I understand.
'Three Minutes'
- A reoccuring joke. For some reason, everything seems to take 3 minutes
to happen (eg scans, attacks). God only knows why!!
Timothy's ship
- A ship built from junk for a Spaceship building competition by Timothy.
Its a perfect example of Chaos Theory. For those who dont know, thats
where a butterfly flapping its wings in one country is said to cause an
earthquake somewhere else on the planet. In the case of this ship, someone
flushing the toilet 60000 lightyears away can cause Timothy's ship to blow
up, followed by Timothy's trademark 'Ah Nuts' phrase! Despite constantly
getting blown up, it always manages to return in the next
U - An immortal
alien which can do things simply by clicking its fingers
VHS Quadrant -
See Gamma Quadrant
Visa Quadrant -
See Gamma Quadrant
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