Trek -
Well, I dont have many sites
by others to link to at the moment, so currently this is pretty much
shameless self-promotion. If you have a site you think may be of
interest(eg fanfic), and want to exchange links then use the form at
the bottom of this page. - A wonderful site full of fanfic
authors of nearly every book/film and TV Programme you can think of. I'm
on there, if you search for 'Entei-rah'
Five Minute Voyager - A great laugh. Originally the
site, which isnt mine BTW, did 5 minute parodies of Star Trek
Voyager, but now it covers all the Star Trek series, films, and more.
Hilarious stuff!! Just a note though - Any appearance of the
Listonians was not authorised, in fact quite the opposite. There was
a five minute parody of the Fifth Voyager episode where they appeared. As
I have mentioned, I specifically emailed and forbade the Fifth
Voyager webmaster from using them, however the request was
blatently ignored.
Whirl - My site dedicated to UK TV Presentation. Features stuff from
across the last few decades, and is still regularly
Tesandco site - The hub of my entire network of sites. Basically home
for stuff I couldnt be bothered to do an entire site for!
Thank U
Stars - A fansite devoted mainly to
the TV Series of Watership Down, with screenshots, multimedia, episode
guides and fanfic. Without a doubt, this site means a lot to me.
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